
EvoPrimer Alternative Energy Controller 1
EvoPrimer is used to control and monitor all functions of a wind turbine and solar panel

Code size: Author:STPrime
Source files included:yes Version:1
Use circleOS:yes (circleOSversion) Creation date:2011-12-01 00:01:57
Hardware modification:no Modification date:2013-09-04 03:39:43
Based on the STM32 Primer:EvoPrimer
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EvoPrimer OPEN4 Alternative Energy Controller

In a recent Alternative Energy Awareness Symposium at UWI Mona Campus, I put together an exhibit where the EvoPrimer was used to control and monitor an Alternative Energy system. 

An Allternative Energy Control System with the EvoPrimer as the centre piece.  The System consist of a solar panel attached to a motor for sun tracking, a wind turbine alternator, a keypad with and LED panel.

The alternator was constructed entirely from Hard Drive parts.  The Magnets where mounted on two pieces of plexiglass cut in a circle, the voice coils where mounted on another sheet by cutting out the sections to match the shape of the voice coil.   The entire alternator is all mounted on the spindle motor taken from the Hard Drive.  It allows for all the pieces of plexiglass to be mounted with enough space to separate the mangnets and coils and generate electricity.

Here is the fully assembled unit that was tested outdoors.


The data from the EvoPrimer Energy controller can be monitored in real time.

The EvoPrime is the data center and controller for the system.  Here the wind speed, direction and voltage from the alternator can be monitored.


The EvoPrimer is an excellent device for rapid prototyping, allowing for a user interface that can provide both visual and voice commands.


  As a hardware note, the I2C2 is used on this EvoPrimer.  A connector was wired to the resistors(R35, R37) on the Target board to allow the use of the I2C2 which is also used for the Audio. This is the 2 pin connector in the third image below  The reason was because my I2C1 port was damaged when 12 volts got to it.

This project demonstrated how easy it was to give an exhibit that little extra with the EvoPrimer with its touch screen display and voice commands.  It also proves that the EvoPrimer is not just for games, but can be used as a fully functioning development environment that you can professionally present to customers or incorporate into your next exhibit or display.


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