
Chan's FatFS + Menu + Matthias framework (wo CilrcleOS) 1.0
This project is example of usage Chan's FatFS on Raisonance Primer 2 over SDIO interface. Also graphic menu module is implemented.

Code size:52k Author:chemmalion
Source files included:yes Version:1.0
Use circleOS:no Creation date:2012-03-07 16:20:51
Hardware modification:no Modification date:2012-03-07 16:20:51
Based on the STM32 Primer:Primer2
Downloads:2332 Views:29210
Average ratings:0/5 (0 rates)

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This project is example of usage Chan's FatFS on Raisonance Primer 2 over SDIO interface.

It uses Matthias framework from his project (Primer2 without Circle OS +CAN +Display +.... V1.1).

Also graphics menu module is implemented.

Also there is Wave module with ability to read and write .wav files on SDCard (see Waver.h, but comments not translated yet).

Also there is VirtualCOM module, but now it doesn't work yet. :)


Best regards to:

STMicroelectronis (for controller and peripheral library)

Raisonance corp (for Primer-2 board and support)

Matthias (for framework)

Chan (for Chan's FatFS)

ickle (for FatFS and SDIO adaptation).