
Tetris Game 1.1
It's a classic Tetris game.

Code size:10Kb Author:rvrezini
Source files included:yes Version:1.1
Use circleOS:yes (circleOSversion) Creation date:2008-10-03 14:49:27
Hardware modification:no Modification date:2009-01-22 11:16:04
Based on the STM32 Primer:All
Downloads:2407 Views:57782
Average ratings:3.31/5 (576 rates)

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Revision 1.1 by Raisonance :

Project source(s) were modified to ensure compatability with Primer2. The archive is updated with a Ride project adapted to Primer2. 
(Modifying text colors to improve ligibility).

1. General description

1.1. - Information

In the Tetris game, items of different shapes are falling down from the top of the image,
one after the other. You have to move these items during their falling using
the tilt to organise where it lands at the bottom of the image, in order to keep a
maximum of empty space for the next items, because your objective is to get as much items
as possible.If you arrange them in such a way that a line becomes full (no empty square),
this one will be removed and you gain points. To help you, while an item is falling down,
the next item to come is shown in the right corner.
This game uses the 3-axis accelerometer to control the game.
The player moves using tilt.
The game saves the best score and your goal is to always try to overcome it.


This project was created idependentemente without copy of any other project, which is a part of an academic study of higher education, whose main project is the study of 3-axis accelerometer.

This game uses only the information from the MEMS, the button is used only for exiting the application. The application with source code was too big, then you can not do the debug it.




3. Playing

This game uses the 3-axis accelerometer to control the game.The player moves using tilt.


Rotation of the Pieces



Because this is an academic project, users of the game can send complaints or suggestions for improvements this game, thus helping in the development of future updates.


4. Suggestions


IMPORTANT NOTE: CircleOS version 1.7 -or later- is required!!



2. Usage

2.1. - Add the application to you current CircleOS...

Don't forget that CircleOS v1.7 or greater is mandatory. Please update your CircleOS if your version is older.

You can use the pre-compiled file in the same directory as the readme.txt file by double-clicking on the 'add_to_Circle.bat' file present here.

Alternatively, you can compile the application yourself then add it to your Circle :

  • Open the project 'Tetris.rprj'
  • Select the 'Tetris' node, right-click on it and select 'Properties'
  • Go to 'CGG Compiler'->'Compiler Output' section and select 'No Debug' information
  • Close the Properties windows, right-click on 'Tetris' and select 'Build'
  • Navigate to the 'Tetris' directory and double-click on 'add_to_Circle.bat'.

2.2. - Without Debug