Hi ,
I'm working on a project on one of the STM32 MCUs wich OS is mono task and I need to get multi task real time , it's the v 3.8 of circle OS.
I have to make a scheduler with a Round Robin strategy and a dispatcher.
What I want to do is to add a function to those executed in the systick handler , the functions that "refreshes" hardware let's say , this function will be the scheduler wich will commute between 4 tasks in RAM every quantum time and execute the dispatcher in the PendSV exception handler generated by the scheduler .
It seems theoritcally simple , but I'd like to know if there are more things to handle to get this task done. Is there more files I need I need to handle than those where the PendSV handler is written and the one where I'll write the scheduler ?
An other thing , after the wfi executed ( after initializing) , is there something showing what code will be executed before executing the handler of that interrupt ?
The code meaning the functions of the NVIC wich will enable , active or pend en exception.