/var/www/restricted/ssh/stm32/www/stm32circle/ STM CircleOS forum / Unable to download files



# 1   2008-01-11 09:10:19 Unable to download files

New member
Registered: 2008-01-11
Posts: 2

Unable to download files

I have problems to download the resources from this site. IF I choose a download link I always receive the
error "Hotlinking is prohibited.". What can I do ?



# 2   2008-01-11 12:16:54 Unable to download files

From: Dorset/England
Registered: 2007-10-11
Posts: 47

Re: Unable to download files

I had the same problem. This is what worked for me;

Firstly avoid right clicking the link and selecting 'Save Target As' from explorers right-click popup.  And Avoid cancelling it when you discover its an html page not a zip file.

Then move to another computer and just left-click .zip file link normally and go where the website takes you.

Once your explorer gets in the bad state it seems there is little that can be done to get out of it,  except moving to another PC and avoiding the actions that cause the problem.

Hope this helps.

Last edited by Stewee (2008-01-11 12:22:15)

( Please Give Blood http://www.blood.co.uk >50% can.  5% do. )



# 3   2008-02-21 14:46:51 Unable to download files

New member
Registered: 2008-02-20
Posts: 4

Re: Unable to download files

Are there any other ways to overcome this problem? I even don't use the Explorer, but still get those messages for some days now.



# 4   2008-02-21 16:12:03 Unable to download files

From: Dorset/England
Registered: 2007-10-11
Posts: 47

Re: Unable to download files

Email: info@raisonance.com
and ask for file(s) you want. They are quite a helpful bunch.

Last edited by Stewee (2008-02-21 16:12:57)

( Please Give Blood http://www.blood.co.uk >50% can.  5% do. )



# 5   2008-02-25 09:47:32 Unable to download files

New member
Registered: 2008-02-25
Posts: 1

Re: Unable to download files

I have also this problem? Why other web-pages do not have this problems and you have? Are the information here so important that you have to use such security-rules?

Are there other ways to download? Cant you move all the files to the ftp server?



# 6   2008-02-27 14:10:33 Unable to download files

From: Dorset/England
Registered: 2007-10-11
Posts: 47

Re: Unable to download files

I found I can clear the problem by  deleting the 'temporary internet files'

This reliably clears the the problem in IE7, but does not stop it happening again (when you right click on the link, select save target as, hit cancel, and left click the link).

The equivalent action in other browsers may work too.

Note . To clear the problem it is NOT neccessary to delete Cookies or History or FormData, or Passwords in IE7, nor is it necessary to logout of the site and log in again, nor its it necessary to restart IE7.

Last edited by Stewee (2008-02-29 16:19:57)

( Please Give Blood http://www.blood.co.uk >50% can.  5% do. )



# 7   2008-02-27 16:50:17 Unable to download files

New member
Registered: 2008-02-20
Posts: 4

Re: Unable to download files

I have successfully downloaded the files from someone else's Linux machine now. Hopefully this way will continue to work for some time...



# 8   2008-02-27 17:16:20 Unable to download files

New member
Registered: 2007-10-26
Posts: 1

Re: Unable to download files

In browser Opera (Windows) it was possible to solve this problem with downloading of files by means option " Enable rereffer logging " (F12 - and turn on " Enable rereffer logging ")



# 9   2008-02-29 13:42:49 Unable to download files

Registered: 2007-07-09
Posts: 30

Re: Unable to download files

Can you help me to reproduce it, because I have tried it with Mozilla, IE6 and 7 but it works on my computer.




# 10   2008-02-29 15:29:17 Unable to download files

From: Dorset/England
Registered: 2007-10-11
Posts: 47

Re: Unable to download files

In my IE7  Tools-->Options-->Advanced  the following checkboxes are ticked. (the other are blank)

  Reset text size...
  Reset zoom level..
  Enable FTP Folder view..
  Enable Page Transitions...
  Enable third party browser extensions..
  Enable visual styles...
  Notify when downloads complete...
  Reuse windows for launching shortcuts..
  Show fiendlt HTTP error messages
  Underline links
  Use passive ftp...
  Use smooth scrolling
HTTP 1.1 Settings
  Use HTTP 1.1
  Use ... through proxy connections.
  Send IDN Server names
  Send UTF-8 URLs
  Show Information bar for encoded addresses
Java Sun
  Use JRE 1.5.0 06 for <applet> (requires restart)
  Always use Cleartype for HTML
  Enable Automatic page resizing
  Play Animations in webpages
  Show Pictures
  Smart image dithering
Search for address bar
  Just display the results in the main window
  Check for publishers certificate revocation
  Checks for signatures on downloaded programs
  Enable Integrated windows Authentication
  Enable Native XMLHTTP support
  Phishing filter
  Use SSL 3.0
  USE TLS 1.0
  Warn about certificate address mismatch
  Warn if post submittal is redirected to a zone that does not...

What are your settings that DO work?

Last edited by Stewee (2008-02-29 15:32:56)

( Please Give Blood http://www.blood.co.uk >50% can.  5% do. )



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